
KUTLESS - Strong Tower /2007

Release Date: 2007
Genre: Rock

1. We Fall Down
2. Finding Who We Are
3. Take Me In
4. Ready For You
5. Draw Me Close
6. All Who Are Thirsty
7. Better Is One Day
8. All Of The Words
9. Strong Tower
10. Jesus Lord Of Heaven
11. I Lift My Eyes Up
12. Word Of God Speak
13. Arms Of Love
14. We Exalt Thee
15. My Savior And My God
16. Strong Tower (Live)

Strong Tower is a worship album released by the Christian rock group, Kutless, and it is also their third studio album. An enhanced Deluxe Edition of this album was released on March 20, 2007. The additional tracks included on the Deluxe Edition are "My Savior And My God", "We Exalt Thee", and "Strong Tower (live)". The enhanced portion of the CD also includes the "Strong Tower" live music video. The title track of this record, "Strong Tower", was once in the Top 5 on
The title track, "Strong Tower", is used as a walk-up song by an outfielder David Murphy for the Texas Rangers and an outfielder Matt Murton for Japan's Hanshin Tigers. The song also made it to Rock Band, as a DLC on January 2011. It is only available for XBox 360

Label  :   BEC Recordings
Producer   :  Aaron Sprinkle

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Категория: HARD ROCK | Просмотров: 1423 | Добавил: darksage | Теги: KUTLESS | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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